
If you’ve found this site, you’re likely one of many new educators or parents who are interested in helping their children/students to become responsible digital citizens. This website has been created to assist both schools, teachers, as well as parents in implementing best practices to ensure children have the opportunity to learn, practice, and make mistakes in a positive supportive environment.


Creating a home policy, modeling proper behaviour, and a home routine are all important aspects parents need to think about when  preparing their children for a safe positive experience online. The following resources are excellent ways to get you and your family started. Photo Credit: CC GSCGNJ

The Digital School

The following are well documented policies and practices schools are undertaking to become more digitally citizenship oriented, as well as to provide students with the opportunities to practice digital citizenship within a safe structured environment. Establishing a BYOD policy in your school: Pros and Cons Moving from an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) to a Responsible … Continue reading The Digital School


This page has been created to take teachers through the process of understanding what digital literacy is, how it can be taught in your classroom, and how to get your students’ parents involved as painlessly as possible!!! Here’s how to get started: Take a look at the 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship which are recommended by the … Continue reading Teachers